Hi there!, I am Durgesh Kumar Meena

About Me

Professional Me

I am Durgesh Kumar Meena, currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology 🎓 majoring in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. I am a tech enthusiast and passionate learner, apart from my acads I try to learn and exploring Computer Science Stuff 💻 .


My favorite languages for systems programming, software engineering, and data analysis.


My preferred technologies for front-end web development and component design.


My preferred technologies for back-end web programming and database architecture.


My favorite tools for version control, code editing, and container orchestration.


project home page


An application for buying and selling used items that are no longer needed by them and turn some no longer needed items into money. It is build using MERN Stack ( MongoDB, Express, React, Nodejs).

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Face Login System

This is a web based facial log in/ Sign up website which uses Facial recognition for user authentication and this can be integrated with various websites or web applications. This Project is based on FaceNet deep learning model and uses Flask server for running the Keras neural network model, and MongoDB used as database.

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Interview Tracker An application which store question categorized by topics and also you can read interview experiences and important questions ahead of time so you can prepare with confidence. If you have gone through a recent interview, You can share with others.It is build with Nodejs, Express and MongoDB used as database.

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Library Management System

A Web Application to ease the work of librarians. The library management system allows a librarian to track books and their quantity, books issued to members, book fees.

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WhatsApp chatbot which gives details about upcoming & running Hackathons and CP contests. Build using the Twilio API for WhatsApp and the Flask framework for Python.

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Twitter Dynamic Header

A web application which dynamically generates header for a Twitter account. The header is generated using Nodejs and image processing library Sharp, and upload to twitter account using the Twitter API

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